Losing Weight After 50 Tips for Maintaining a Moderate Weight

Losing weight after 50 can be really challenging. But of course, that doesn’t mean you should give up, if you do the right things that we discuss, I’m pretty sure you’ll succeed.

So Why Is It Harder To Lose Weight After 50 ?

There are a lot of psychological factors and lifestyle choices that make it harder to lose that weight, than it was when you were 10-15 years younger. There are a plenty things that worsens with age, for example: stamina, mobility and balance, sleep and stress issues, less muscle mass, and declining levels of estrogen and testosterone. So there are many things that will make your goal of losing weight harder, but that also isn’t true for everyone. It all depends, not everyone has the same difficulty of losing fat. Maybe you’re one of those lucky people that can pull it off, and we’ll discuss the best ways to help you achieve your goal.

Start Strength Training

According to some studies, by age 50 you lose about 10 percent of muscle mass. But you need more muscle mass because having a higher ratio of muscle to fat will mean you burn more energy, even if you don’t do anything. In order to build those muscles you will need to train, and with training you burn more calories. You can do any kind of exercise, but strength training, especially lifting weights will result in building more muscles. You should aim to train for at least 3 times per week.

You Need To Be In A Caloric Deficit

This is very important, especially if you want to lose weight. You need to be aware of how much calories you are consuming every day. To track your calories use some apps like MyFitnessPall, and track it every day, and you should be losing that weight. I recommend you to be in between 300-500 calorie deficit, so you should aim for it. If you go over 500 calories in deficit, then you’ll lose that weight even faster, but also you will lose a lot of muscle. Your goal shouldn’t be to just lose weight, but also to preserve as much of that muscle mass. Also i would advise you to try eating healthier foods while you’re in deficit, but don’t be too restrictive, because you’ll lose motivation really fast and you won’t see any progress.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking a lot of fluids will result in better overall health. Those adults who aren’t well hydrated will age faster and have bigger chances of chronic diseases than those who are well hydrated. Overall it will help you in maintaining a healthy body weight. When you drink water, your body goes under a process known as thermogenesis to bring the liquid to body temperature. But that process requires energy, which means you’ll lose calories. To stay well hydrated i recommend you to drink 8 glasses of water a day, and try to eat more fruits and vegetables.

Avoid Late Night Snacking

You should avoid this at all cost. Not only does it increase your hunger, but it also reduces the number of calories burned throughout the day. If you have problem with this bad habits then i recommend you to look for some supplements, for example there is peptides for weight loss. Semaglutide will help you burn more calories, but it will also enhance your motivation for healthy habits. Semaglutide for sale is available through licensed pharmacies and healthcare providers, as it is a prescription medication commonly used for weight management.. It’s very common for people to eat late, not even knowing what it does to your body. The best way to avoid this bad habit, is to drink plenty of water, and try to go to sleep earlier.


Obviously you should consider doing some cardio exercises like: walking, jogging, cycling etc. But doing HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) wil have huge benefits for you. It has been shown that HIIT will provide a better boost for your metabolism, than doing some moderate exercises like walking. Research has shown that doing HIIT especially in the morning will give you the biggest boost for the rest of the day.

Get Plenty Of Protein

We already discussed that you need to eat healthier food. But especially those which are high in protein will give you many great benefits. Some examples of high protein foods are: eggs, chicken breast, lean beef, nuts, greek yogurt etc. Eating plenty of protein will not only help you maintain muscle mass – which should be another goal of yours not just losing weight, but it will also help you feel fuller, which will prevent you to eat more calories throughout the day.

Try To Sit Less

As you get older you become less active due to the lack of energy and motivation. There was also a research which said that older adults spend 60-80% of their waking hours sedentary. I don’t know how physically active are you, but try to spend more time doing some kind of physical activity. We already discussed that you should do some kind of cardio, it doesn’t matter if it’s walking, jogging or cycling, do whatever you like the most. And also try to include HIIT trainings, as they have the biggest benefits for your health

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